Saturday, June 7, 2008

Kim & Darius

Grill: 2 Very nice, clean grill with first-class tools. And nice corn holders - seriouse ones that you could really hold on to.
Meat: 0 It was bring you own meat.
Alcohol: 1 Beer, wine, the usual suspects.
Side dishes: 1 Can't really remember, but there were sides.
Crowd: 1 Small crowd consisting of a couple friends, the HCM reviewers, and there were partents (which I think is cool).
Music: 1 I didn't hear it, but I was told they had tasty grooves inside.
Setting: 2 Nice back porch area with sunset view of the Sound. Extra points for the view.
Dessert: 1 Olson's mom baked something delicious.
Likeability: 2 Extremely nice people, good hosts.
Overal score: 11 (out of 18) - Thanks again you guys!


Unknown said...

What?! Only 9 points! They were robbed. There totally was music and it was great. Kim even made CD's for the guests.

The Doctor said...

Yeah, this reviewer gives 'em 2 more points. 1 for music and 1 for likeability. I'd like to give another point for the crowd, but I wasn't so keen on having my parents, so there you go. A solid 11 points, not bad for a last minute party, great job guys.